
About Moving
For some families, moving simply means going from one home to another in the same community. But for many, moving means pulling up stakes entirely and following an opportunity or dream to another city. Whether you’re moving for the first time or the umpteenth time. Remember one thing: don’t wait until the last minute to start planning your move. There are no shortcuts to a move free of hitches.
Moving to another country is not a decision to take lightly and choosing the right company to move you also requires careful consideration. It starts with your first meeting with one of our moving consultants, who takes you through every step of your upcoming move, answering questions and making sure we understand all of your particular requirements.
On moving day, don’t lift a finger. Our expert packers will handle all the details, down to the last spoon. We treat every object like it’s a personal memory of inestimable value to you.

Planning a move
Properly planning a move is a major undertaking. The more you do before hand, the less work you will have to do at the last minute. We also recommend that you try to keep business and other important commitments to a minimum during the move and resettlement periods.
Families frequently underestimate the time and details involved in relocating. While your moving company can do many things for you, there is a variety of matters you must handle personally. Since relocation is a very important step in your family’s life, we suggest that you reserve some free time before and after your move to give it the attention necessary to make moving easier for everyone.
Many decisions about your move require your personal attention, especially in the early going. So, to avoid problems later on, start planning your move at least 4 to 6 weeks in advance. Meet with your mover right away to discuss the particulars of your move. A well informed customer can avoid many of the most publicized moving problems. So don’t let moving day dawn without being totally aware of all details of your move.

Moving with children
A positive attitude and a spirit of adventure can help children feel more secure about moving. Even though feelings of sadness or nostalgia are normal, the transition can be more pleasant if you have a good attitude and use a little “ psychology “. These suggestions will get you started:
A surprise can be a shock! Tell children over 10 about the move as soon as your plans are definite. This allows them time to prepare for a change.
Explore your new community and meet some of your new neighbors before you move, if possible.
Send for information on schools, community organizations and activities.
Make moving a game for younger children. Start a week to ten days ahead, checking off the days before your move on the calendar or give small rewards for their help with easy chores.
Hang a map of your new city on your refrigerator with your new location brightly circled and a picture of your new home.
Explain what the movers will do with their belongings after the moving van leaves their old home.
Have your children prepare their own “survival “kits.
Encourage your family to plan special activities immediately after your move.
Plan a farewell party with special friends or neighbors. Allow your children to say good-bye to their old friends, and collect addresses and photos.
Let your children label their boxes, unpack their toys at the new home, and arrange their furniture in their new rooms.